Teaching and Learning

Our students will have many encounters with employers and learn about different careers and the various routes into these careers. They will also be taught a wide range of skills needed to succeed within the world of work and be inspired to challenge the stereotypes and discrimination that exists within certain sectors.
The school welcomes opportunities to work with other educational establishments and apprenticeship providers so that they can share valuable information with our students about technical qualifications and apprenticeships. We have therefore published a provider access document published on our website for other educational establishments and training providers to view.
The careers programme at St Francis runs from Year 7 to Year 13 and prepares our students for life after they leave the school. It has been designed to fulfil the eight Gatsby Benchmarks which are recognised by government as outlining the requirements of an excellent careers programme.
Within our programme students are provided with:
- Individual guidance from the Careers Adviser in school, Mrs Whitehouse.
- A `drop-in’ careers service for students of all year groups.
- Access to computer programmes: National Careers Service, which provides independent information and job and career ideas for career exploration; Start, which is Interactive Careers Guidance and Education for teenagers; UCAS, which provides information on universities in the UK.
- A Careers Education Programme built into the school curriculum.
- Careers Fayre
- Industry / workplace visits and events.
- A work experience placement in Year 12
Our Team
SLT Careers Leader: Mrs Blackmore
Careers Adviser: Mrs Harris
Email: zharris@stfrancis.cc
Governor for Careers: Mr Noel Stubbs
Careers Videos
Deacon Owen: Careers Advice